麻風病遍及中國全境,而福建和南台灣較多,但最高頻率則出現在北台灣和雲南。根據 Maxwell,在台南,每450人有1人得此病。(全台而言,大約400個漢人中有1人。)
In many parts of China the disease is believed to be infectious, and leper shunned... In other places, as in Formosa, the leper, except in the last stages of the disease, mixes with the ordinary population. Indeed, in Formosa, we have a proverb which shows very plainly how little importance the Chinese put on the infectiveness of leprosy: "Sleep in the same bed with a leper, but do not be neighbour across the street to a man with itch."
在中國許多地方,這種病被認為頗具傳染性,因此大眾對患者常避之唯恐不及。可是其他地區如台灣,痲風病人除非已屆末期,否則仍與常人混居。 其實,台灣有句俗語:「寧可與麻風者睡同床,也不願跟搔癢者(或指scabies疥瘡)住對街。」可見,此地漢人並不以為此疾的傳染性有多高。
Leprosy attacks every age, but is commonest between twelve and thirty; it is rare in very young children, but we have seen one case in Formosa of well-marked leprosy in an infant of six months.
The Tubercular Variety - It is to this variety that we owe the mental picture which the word "leper" calls up...
In Formosa we have repeatedly observed that the first torrential typhoon rains have at once put an end to an epidemic in the city of Tainan, but the same has not been as apparent in the country villages.
預防性療法: 預防接種的結果如何,可從1901年台灣的鼠疫流行中得到答案。當時,有接種疫苗的人口中,其得病率是0.19%;而未接種疫苗者,得病率是2.80%。又,接種疫苗後,還得病的,其死亡率是56%;未接種疫苗而得病的,死亡率是84%。
譯者註: 現今已不再做普遍性的預防接種,而只對高風險的人員才施打疫苗。詳見美國CDC 網頁
Dengue 登革熱In Formosa an epidemic may be expected once in 10 years.
Malta fever 馬爾他熱
It is probable that fever formerly called by local names (..., Tamsui fever, etc.) are manifestations of this disease.
Enteric or typhoid fever 腸熱病或傷寒
Over a large part of China the inhabitants will drink nothing but hot fluids and these very sparingly,and this no doubt is another safeguard against enteric fever. Having, however, ourselves watched the very rapid growth in Formosa of a taste among the Chinese for shaved ice and bottled lemonade we feel that this latter safeguard is not likely to last.
Beri-beri (Syn. Kakke.) 腳氣病
... It is quite common in Formosa.
1. The disease is a peripheral neuritis,...
2. The disease is one associated with the collection of people together, whether in gangs, prisons, asylums, schools, or on shipboard...
1. 它是一種末梢神經疾病...
2. 它與群居有關,比如幫會、監獄、收容所、學校、或船上。
Some races are more susceptible than others, though Bradden denies this. This is very clearly brought out in our own experience in Formosa, where Japanese, who are fewer in number and better fed than the Chinese, fall much more frequent victims to the disease, and acquire it in a more severe form, on the whole, than do the Chinese...
雖然 Bradden 否認這種說法,但似乎有些種族比其他較容易得此病。我們在台灣的經驗很明確的顯出這個現象- 在台日本人雖然人數較少,而且營養較佳,但卻遠比漢人更常得此病;而且一得此病,其病況也較嚴重。
Malaria 瘧疾
... we append here the figures showing the results of mosquito protection of the soldiers of the Japanese garrison in Formosa. Percentage of deaths of Japanese soldiers in Formosa from malaria, 1897-1900, before any of the barracks were mosquito-screened, 17 to 20 %; in 1901, when screening was only in very partial use, 11.19%; 1902, 7.32%; 1903, screening thoroughly effected, 0.7%.
我們附上台灣日軍營區防蚊措施的結果數據如下: 1897-1900年蚊帳紗窗啟用前,台灣日軍死亡人數中,17-20% 肇因於瘧疾;防蚊措施部分啟用時期,1901年死亡人數中,11.19%死於瘧疾,1902年是7.32%;而1903年全面實施防蚊措施後,死於瘧疾的只佔死亡總人數的0.7%。
金雞納樹(Cinchona ledgeriana) 譯者攝自溪頭台大實驗林
譯者註: 金雞納 Cinchona 源自南美,其樹皮可萃取奎寧(Quinine),用以治瘧疾。十九世紀荷蘭政府獲得該樹種子,在印尼爪哇大量栽植。到了1930年代,全世界 97% 的奎寧(Quinine) 產自爪哇。- 見下圖奎寧藥盒所示文字。如今已有多種其他藥物問世。
Blackwater fever (Syn.- Hemoglobinuric fever) 黑水熱 |
奎寧(Quinine) 譯者收藏 |
...It is still a matter of fierce dispute whether the disease is a result of malaria pure and simple or of the same aggravated by the improper use of quinine or whether it is caused by some organism resembling the piroplasma of cattle but not yet discovered...
The disease has been said to be found in Formosa; we have never ourselves seen a case, and despite diligent enquiries have failed even to hear of one.
譯者註: 黑水熱是溶血性危機(hemolytic crisis),造成血液和尿液中出現多量的血紅蛋白(hemoglobinemia & hemoglobinuria),尿液也因而呈黑色或暗紅色。今人認為,它是瘧疾原蟲與奎寧的互動,引發宿主的自體免疫反應所致。
Kala-azar 黑熱病
We have ourselves failed to discover the parasite in spleen punctures from several likely patients in Formosa.
Parasites of lungs. Paragonimus Westermani 肺吸蟲。衛氏並殖腺吸蟲
A trematode worm found in the lungs of inhabitants of certain localities in Formosa, Korea, Japan and the Philippines.
Formosa: Northern end, villages inland from Tainan (abundant).
台灣: 北端及台南內陸村落(很多)。
It is prevalent in central Formosa, and found in the north of Formosa; and it has been reported three times from Fukien. In each of the Fukien reports there are was but one patient, and certainly two, probably all three, were imported from Formosa.
The worm was first described by Manson from a specimen of Ringer's from North Formosa.
首次描述這寄生蟲的是Manson醫生,而該標本則來自北台灣的 Ringer 醫生。
This parasite is the cause of a disease known as endemic haemoptysis, an extremely common but not very serious ailment in the regions where the worm is found. Indeed it would seem in some of the villages in Central Formosa the large majority of the inhabitants harbour the parasite.
Parasites of circulatory and lymphatic systems. Filaria Bancrofti 循環-淋巴系統寄生蟲。班克羅夫氏絲蟲
The distribution of the disease is in some cases very peculiar, and not at all easy of explanation. For example, while it appears to be most prevalent in coast regions (of China), islands such as Hainan and Formosa are left practically untouched.
Whereas in Formosa filariasis is rare, elephantiasis is practically absent.
Nematodes. Ascaris lumbricoides 線蟲屬。蛔蟲
Landsborough, Formosa tells us of a case of intestinal obstruction in a boy in which the intestine was blocked with round worms.
Strongyloides intestinalis 腸性類圓蟲
We believe we have seen the embryo in a series of faecal examinations in Tainan, Formosa.
Strongylidae. (Ankylostomum duodenale. Necator americanus) 圓蟲屬。(十二指腸鉤蟲. 美洲鉤蟲)
..., and is extremely prevalent in Formosa, 44% in a series of 1,000 male patients.
Ankylostomiasis.- In Formosa nearly 40% of inhabitants harbour the parasite, but probably not more than 20% of the infected persons show any ill effects.
The blood picture in ankylostomiasis is one approaching, sometimes very closely, that of pernicious anemia. We are aware that often a very different type of blood picture, viz., that of chlorosis, is given, but in our own experience in Formosa, which has been a very considerable one, the type in advanced cases has always resembled that of pernicious anemia.
鉤蟲病的的血液接近甚至有時很像惡性貧血的型態。我們知道有時它也會顯現不同的型態如萎黃症(即hypochromic microcytic anemia 淺色小血球貧血),不過,根據我們眾多的經驗,重症病例的血液型態總是類似惡性貧血。
To the ordinary farmer, the risk of infection through the skin, though considerable, are not as great as in another class we shall name. We find in Formosa that about 50% of the farming classes (males) are infected. The full effect of the use of human manure is, however, felt by the vegetable and flower gardeners. These men use the manure in a fresh form,...the legs of the workers being constantly splashed by the manure. In this class of men, infection is extreme, practically 100% harbouring the worm, and nearly all suffering from the disease.
Clonorchis sinensis 中華肝蛭
It is very common in Korea, the Swatow region, and Hong-kong, but appear to be absent from Formosa...
Cestodes 絛蟲
It is very common in Korea, the Swatow region, and Hong-kong, but appear to be absent from Formosa...
註: 譯者於1974年擔任高醫住院醫師時,曾經見過一例。患者是位年輕德國水手,其病源大概來自境外。
Epidemic stomatitis 流行性口腔炎
We have ourselves met with in Formosa a form of stomatitis not mentioned in books on tropical medicine... It is a disease which is specially prevalent in schools and institutions, often affecting a large proportion of the inmates, and spreading with great rapidity.
Aetiology.- Of the ultimate cause we can say but little, as we have not yet had time to investigate the bacteriological factors. The affection appears to be spread by the careless use of common chopsticks and bowls among patients, especially children eating at the same table.
病因 - 對真正的致病原因我們知道很少,因為我們還沒有時間作細菌學方面的調查。這種疾病好像是藉由與患者隨意共用碗筷而傳播出去,尤其是小孩子們同桌吃飯者。
Symtoms.- The patients all complain of soreness of the mouth. On examination the tongue and sometimes the palate are found to be brightly red in colour, the papillae of the tongue, especially at the base, are swollen and prominent. There is slight salivation... In many cases superficial ulcers of tongue, lips, or gums appear.
症狀 - 病人都有口腔疼痛的的主訴。檢查發現舌頭,有時甚至腭部會呈鮮紅色;舌頭尤其基部附近的小乳頭變得腫脹而突顯;且會流些口水;許多人在舌頭、嘴唇、及齒齦還會出現淺潰瘍。
Treatment.- The disease, if no re-infection occur, is quickly cured by a mouth wash of pot. chlorate with tinct. myrrhae and glycerine. Ulcers should be touched with silver nitrate caustic...
治療 - 這種病如果沒有二度(細菌)感染,只要用氯酸鉀加上沒藥酊及甘油漱口就可迅速治癒。而對潰瘍,可塗以硝酸銀。
Scorbutic stomatitis 壞血性口腔炎
A form of scurvy of very mild type is common in Formosa and in parts of south China.
Dysentery 赤痢
It is, as a rule, in South China and Formosa that we see dysentery at its worst.
Subacute dysentery is the commonest of the three forms of the disease and the one most frequently seen in Formosa and South China. In origin it may be either bacillary or amoebic, and we know nothing but microscopic examination that will settle this point as a general rule.
Stricture of the rectum 直腸狹窄症
...In some parts of South China and Formosa this disease is common. Among the first thousand inpatients admitted to Tainan Hospital, Formosa, during the current year, no fewer than eight were suffering from this complaint, and we operate on an average nearly twenty times a year for this condition.
...But the pathology of the majority of the cases remains doubtful.
Both sexes are equally liable to the disease. The most common age affected is that of the middle period of life.
Tropical abscess of the spleen 熱帶性脾膿瘍
Abscess of the spleen is far more common than the text-books on surgery or tropical medicine would lead one to suppose. We have ourselves seen three cases in Formosa..., and probably the large majority of cases are never reported at all.
Landry's paralysis 蘭兌氏麻痺
Quite a number of cases have been reported, and we have seen three ourselves in Formosa.
譯者註:今稱 Guillain-Barre-Landry Syndrome,此疾是與自體免疫有關的急性多數神經及神經根的病變。
Locomotor ataxia (Tabes dorsalis) 脊髓後索癆 - 運動共濟失調病
Syphilis is one of the commonest diseases of China and ... transverse myelitis of an almost certainly syphilitic origin is relatively common. We therefore find is difficult to account for the absence, we believe the total absence, of true locomotor ataxia. among some 12,000 in-patients and more than four times that number of out-patients seen by us in Formosa, we have not yet come across a single case which in any way could be mistaken for tabes dorsalis, and the same is the experience of our colleague in Shanghai, nor do we know of any well-authenticated case reported in China.
梅毒是中國最常見的疾病之一,...梅毒性橫貫脊髓炎應該也會相當普遍才對。因此,我們很難解釋為什麼在台灣,12000名住院病患,還有四倍多的門診病人中竟然找不到 - 完全找不到一個侵犯脊髓導致運動共濟失調的病例。而且,連誤診成這種病的也沒有。我們在上海的同事也有同樣體驗 ,而且就我們所知,在中國尚無一個真正確認的病例。
Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis 流行性腦脊隨腦膜炎
An epidemic of some severity visited Formosa in 1905.
Artificial deformities 人為畸形
In Formosa some of the aboriginal tribes introduce large foreign bodies (pebbles?) into the lobe of the ear and so make the lobe of enormous size.
Chronic mercury poisoning 慢性汞中毒
On February 14, 1910, three patients were admitted to the Tainan Hospital suffering from the same complaint in varying degrees. The symptoms for which they sought relief was that of marked tremors of the limbs. All three came from the same town, and worked in the same silversmith's shop. further, they stated that two other people in the same town, also silver workers, were suffering from the same disease.
Case No. 1.- The youngest, a lad of fifteen, had worked in silver for less than one year. He had been ill for two months, and suffered from slight tremors, the exact nature of which will be described later.
病例1. - 最年輕。是個15歲的"少年家",在銀舖工作不滿一年。生病已有兩個月。他有輕微顫抖。詳後。
Case No. 2.- A young man of twenty-three had worked from three years and had been ill for one month. The tremors in his case were more marked.
病例2. - 是位23歲的青年,已經在那兒工作3年。生病已有一個月。他的顫抖比較明顯。
Case No. 3.- Father of the first was thirty-nine years of age, had worked twelve years as a silversmith, and then had to give up his employment seven years ago owing to this illness. The tremors in his case were very severe, walking was difficult, and the voice was affected.
病例3. - 乃病例1.之父,年39。曾當銀匠12年。7年前因此疾而棄職。他的顫抖非常厲害,走路困難,發聲也受影響。
Tremors affect especially the arms, only these were affected in our Case No.1.
In some of the very severe cases, the tremors were so severe as to resemble violent chorea. This was so in Case No. 3. The patient prefers to lie on the floor. Case No. 3 tumbled out of his bed. He could neither feed nor clothe himself. The power of speaking, chewing, and walking were affected. Stomatitis was present in all three cases, but not very severe. Tremors were more marked during exertion, and disappeared during sleep. Indeed, in Case No. 1 they were only marked on muscular exertion; there was distinct loss of muscular power in the arms in all three cases; we have not seen this mentioned in the text-books.
In Case No. 3, the memory was affected and the mental balance easily upset...
On further inquiry we find that the disease, though not its cause, is well known among silversmiths in this island. For prophylaxis, it is stated that free ventilation of the workshops and frequent washing of the mouth greatly lessen the incidence of the disease.
譯者註: 以前從銀礦石提取純銀的過程中,會用到汞(水銀)。又據Pavel Ivanovitš Ibis (Paul Ibis) 於1875年的見聞,當時台南製造的銀器享譽全清國,僅次於廣州者。
Stricture of the oesophagus 食道狹窄症
We are unable to give the exact figures in Formosa, but we have met cases of this nature with very considerable frequency.
在台灣到底有多少人得這種病? 我們無法提出確切的數字來。但,我們常常碰到這類病例。
Maclean-Maxwell disease 馬克林 - 馬雅各病 |
Maclean-Maxwell disease (箭頭,係譯者的標示) |
Chronic Enlargement of the Os Calcis- Under this heading Maxwell, of Tainan, Formosa reports with illustrative cases a condition which he described as follows:
In 1905, we described a condition of endemic enlargement of the Os calcis, somewhat similar to a condition formerly described by Maclean as present in West Africa;...
The disease as seen in Formosa consists in a chronic enlargement of the posterior third of the os calcis with tenderness to pressure and pain often of a quite disabling nature on walking. The enlargement of the heel is well shown in the accompanying photograph. The disease has only been observed in young men between twenty and thirty years of age and consists not merely in a periostitis, but in an actual enlargement with rarefaction of the bone, the outer shell of compact bone being very thin and the spaces in the cancellous tissue enlarged and showing fatty changes. Several cases have been observed where venereal diseases could be excluded and we have no knowledge of the cause of the condition...
The treatment is simple and satisfactory. An incision is made over the outer side of the os calcis dividing the periosteum. The periosteum is raised with an elevator and a small trephine driven through the bone from side to side. The pain and tenderness is at once relieved and convalescence is very speedy.